Appendix 5: References
Borough of Pendle (1997) Built Heritage Strategy: Laying Foundations. BoP
Borough of Pendle (1999) A Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Pendle. BoP
Borough of Pendle (1999) Crime Prevention in Residential Development. BoP
Borough of Pendle (1999) Pendle Local Plan 1991-2001. BoP
Borough of Pendle (1999) Trent Road Development Brief. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2000) Cycling Strategy. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2000) Guidelines for the Control of Development in the Albert Road, Colne Conservation Area. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2000) Guidelines for the Control of Development in the Barnoldswick Conservation Area. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2000) Nelson West Planning Brief. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2000) Our Place, Our Pendle: Pendle’s LA21. PP.
Borough of Pendle (2001) Countryside Access Strategy 2000-2005. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2001) Former Grand Cinema Site, Nelson Planning Brief. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2001) Housing and Social Care Needs – The Asian Community in Pendle. BoP.
Borough of Pendle (2001) Pendle Retail Study 2001. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2002) Development in the Open Countryside (SPG). BoP.
Borough of Pendle (2002) Guidelines for the Control of Telecommunications Equipment (SPG). BoP
Borough of Pendle (2002) Housing Strategy 2002 – 2005. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2002) Lucas Playing Fields Complex, Reedley Development Brief. BoP.
Borough of Pendle (2002) Planning Our Future: A New Local Plan for Pendle. Key Issues Report. BoP.
Borough of Pendle (2002) Yarnspinner’s Wharf, Carr Road, Nelson Planning Brief. Bop.
Borough of Pendle (2003) Economic Development Strategy 2002 – 2007. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Estates & Property Services - Publicly Owned Allotment List. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Forest of Bowland AONB (SPG). BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Housing Needs Survey. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2003 - 2008. Parks, Cemeteries and Outdoor Recreation. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Parks Cemeteries & Outdoor Recreation - Maintained Open Space Contracts 1 – 5. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Pendle a place with a future for everyone – Pendle’s Community Strategy 2003 – 2018. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Pendle’s Canal Corridor Development Strategy. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2003) Urban Capacity Study. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2004) Development and Floodrisk. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2004) Industrial and Business Land Availability – Employment Land Monitoring Report. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2004) Employment Occupancy Register. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2004) Housing Land Availability – Housing Land Monitoring report. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2004) Open Space Audit. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2005) Housing Land Availability – Housing Land Monitoring Report. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2005) Industrial and Business Land Availability – Employment Land Monitoring Report. BoP
Borough of Pendle (2005) Urban Potential Study. BoP
Borough of Pendle (continuous) Property Register. BoP
British Standard Institute (2005) Guide for Trees In Relation To Construction – British Standard 5837. BSI
British Waterways (2003) Leeds & Liverpool Canal Corridor Study – Consultation Draft. BW
Countryside Agency (2001) Horse Pasture Management. TCA
Countryside Agency (2001) The Pub is the Hub. CA
Countryside Agency (2001) The State of the Countryside. CA
DEFRA (1997) The Hedgerow Regulations. DEFRA
Department of Culture, Media and Sport (Continuous) List of Buildings of Specials Architectural or Historic Interest. DCMS
Department of Environment (1987) The Town & Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, as amended. DoE
Department of Environment (1990) PPG 16: Archaeology and Planning. DoE
Department of Environment (1990) PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment. DoE
Department of Environment (1990) PPG16: Archaeology and Planning. DoE
Department of Environment (1990) White Paper: This Common Inheritance. DoE
Department of Environment (1992) PPG 4: Industrial and Commercial Development and Small Firms. DoE
Department of Environment (1993) PPG 23: Planning and Pollution Control. DoE
Department of Environment (1993) Joint Circular 2/93 & 5/93 - Public Rights of Way. DoE.
Department of Environment (1993) PPG22: Renewable Energy. DoE
Department of Environment (1994) PPG9: Nature Conservation. DoE
Department of Environment (1995) PPG2: Green Belts. DoE
Department of Environment (1996) PPG 6: Town Centres and Retail Development. DoE
Department of Environment (1997) PPG 7: The Countryside – Environmental Quality & Economic & Social Development. DoE
Department of Environment (1998) Circular 06/1998 Planning and Affordable Housing. DETR
DETR (1999) PPG 12: Development Plans. DETR
DETR (2000) Our Countryside: Our Future. DETR
DETR (2000) PPG 3: Housing. DETR
DETR (2000) Tapping the Potential: Assessing Urban Housing Capacity – Towards Better Practice. DETR
DETR (2001) PPG 13: Transport. DETR
Development, Land and Planning Consultants (Sheffield Hallam University) (2002) Retail Capacity Study 2001. DLP.
DTLR (2001) Planning: Delivering a Fundamental Change. DTLR
DTLR (2001) PPG25: Development and Flood Risk. DTLR
DTLR (2001) PPG8: Telecommunications. DTLR
DTLR (2002) Going to Town, Improving Town Centre Access: A Companion Guide
East Lancashire Partnership (2000) Changing East Lancashire – The Housing Market. ELP
East Lancashire Partnership (2003) East Lancashire – A Spatial Strategy. ELP
English Heritage (Continuous) Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest. EH
Forestry Commission (1991) Community Woodland Design Guidelines. FC
Forestry Commission (1999) England Forestry Strategy. FC
Lancashire Biodiversity Partnership (2000) Lancashire Biodiversity Action Plan. LBP
Lancashire County Council (2000) A Landscape Strategy for Lancashire. LCC
Lancashire County Council (2001) Local Transport Plan. LCC
Lancashire County Council (2002) Supporting People Strategy. LCC
Lancashire County Council (2004) Local Transport Plan – Annual Progress Report. LCC
Lancashire County Council (continuous) Sites and Monuments Record. LCC
Lancashire County Council (with Blackburn and Darwen and Blackpool) (2005) Replacement Joint Lancashire Structure Plan 2001-2016. LCC
Lancashire County Council (2006) Landscape and Heritage (SPG). LCC
Lancashire County Council (2003) Access and Parking (SPG). LCC
Lancashire County Council (2005) Rights of Way Improvement Plan. LCC
Lancashire Wildlife Trust (2005) Guidelines for Important Wildlife Sites in Pendle. LWT
Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners (2003) The Lancashire Shopping Study. LCC
National Playing Fields Association (2001) The Six Acre Standard. NPFA
NWRA (2004) Regional Spatial Strategy for the North West (RPG13)
ODPM (2002) Assessing Needs and Opportunities: A Companion Guide to PPG17. ODPM.
ODPM (2002) Code of Best Practice on Mobile Phone Network Development. ODPM
ODPM (2002) Making Plans: A Practical Guide. ODPM
ODPM (2002) PPG17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation. ODPM
ODPM (2003) Planning for Town Centres: Parliamentary Statement. ODPM
ODPM (2003) Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future. ODPM
ODPM (2004) PPS 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas. ODPM
ODPM (2004) PPS 22: Renewable Energy. ODPM
ODPM (2004) PPS 23: Planning and Pollution Control. ODPM
ODPM (2005) Circular 05/2005: Planning Obligations. ODPM
ODPM (2005) Circular 06/2005: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation – Statutory Obligations and their Impact within the Planning System. ODPM
ODPM (2005) PPS 1: Delivering Sustainable Development. ODPM
ODPM (2005) Sustainable Communities in the North West. ODPM
ODPM (2005) PPS 6: Planning for Town Centres. ODPM
ODPM (2005) PPS9: Biodiversity and Geological Conservation. ODPM
Pendle Partnership and Pendle Borough Council (2002) Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. PP
Strategic Leisure Limited (2001) Playing Pitch and Play Area Provision in Pendle. SLL
Sustainability Northwest (2001) From Power to Prosperity: advancing renewable energy in northwest England. SN
UK Biodiversity Partnership (1994) The UK Biodiversity Action Plan. UKBP
University of Cambridge (2002) The Pendle Economy and Future Outlook Stage 1 and 2. UoC.